Tips For Enjoying LBB (Little Black Bag)

If you had the wonderful opportunity to treat yourself to a LBB (Little Black Bag) this Christmas then you know why I say LBB (Little Black Bag) is truly a must have treat for every women.

For those who do not know what the buzz is about just yet...

LBB (Little Black Bag) is a website where you can purchase a bag (jewelry, beauty or other fun fashion finds) and within your chart two to there other great surprise items open up; therefore creating a bag :). Once that bag is open you have 7 days to trade your items with the many other fashion divas for more items, different items or simply keep your original items from your LBB (Little Black Bag) and close out your bag. Is that not the coolest thing?  It is like shopping with your girlfriends virtually :)

While many have enjoyed and gotten hooked to the LBB (Little Black Bag) social shopping experience some have trouble making the most of the shopping experience. 

Here are some tips to make the shopping more fun:

1) Don't compare. Some people have ten items in their bags and you ask yourself what gives? One of the great perks of LBB (Little Black Bag) is the ability to trade items for any items you like. So that means trading one $94 item for four $24 items or even gifting items for your friends and family on LBB (Little Black Bag). There are also credits for sharing your love of LBB (Little Black Bag). There are countless of reasons why someone bag may look more hefty then yours. So don't compare.

2) Have a plan. Although it is fun to dive right in it is also ok to have a plan when shopping. For example sometimes I open a bag with the idea of adding some new pieces to my jewelry collection and that remains my focus for shopping and I always end up with some amazing finds in the end because of it.

3) Check out the outfit. The great diversity on LBB (Little Black Bag) allows you to have so many avenues when shopping. One thing I love to do is design a outfit. Yes, you can too!! For example I pick a great bag and then I try to find a great pair of earrings and a necklace to match. Before I know it I have a great necklace, earrings, bracelet and a great bag to build my perfect outfit for that upcoming party!!

4) Have fun. Remember it is a fun social shopping experience. So pick your item, trade, talk to the gals, vote on bags, rate the items, and enjoy. This is your monthly treat. You deserve the find.

Want your own bag?

Remember to find me on LBB (Little Black Bag). They have a great referral program. When your friend opens a bag you receive up to a FREE $25 item in your bag.

Find me on LBB
